Presidential Candidate And Former President Donald Trump Attends Sneaker Con To Launch His New Shoe … [+] Line

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The recent comments by Raymond Arroyo, a Fox News anchor, have stirred up much controversy and debate. In his remarks, Arroyo suggested that Black voters would likely support President Trump in the upcoming election because they are fond of sneakers. Particularly the Never Surrender high-top sneaker introduced by Trump at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. The assertion by Arroyo has been met with considerable backlash, with many people criticizing Arroyo for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about Black people. The controversy has highlighted the ongoing issues of racism and discrimination that continue to plague our society. Some people argue that the comments made by Arroyo promote an outdated stereotype about minorities. This stereotype suggests that people from minority groups value superficial things like fashion over serious political issues.

While scrolling through the comments section of the now viral video on Instagram and X, I noticed that many accounts identifying as Black Republican Trump supporters agreed with the notion that one’s choice of sneakers is an indicator of their political allegiance. These users consistently mocked President Biden and expressed their adoration for the Trump-branded sneakers. Some even suggested that they would love the shoes even more if paired with a side of watermelon and fried chicken. While it is only speculation, these accounts appeared highly suspicious. Although I could assume they were AI chatbots, others like Arroyo may view them as reliable data sources and opinions from the Black community.

Multiple reports have shown the increasing use of AI “bots” across social media platforms such as X, Instagram and Facebook. These chatbots are programmed to mimic human behavior and can make posts, leave comments and engage with users while impersonating real accounts. The purpose of these bots is to make their messages seem more authentic and influential. However, there have been instances where these bots have been used to impersonate Black Americans and spread misinformation or biased narratives.

Some experts have raised concerns that groups of automated accounts, or “bots,” pretending to be individuals from specific identities, such as racial minorities or political party supporters, could manipulate public opinion by inundating online conversations with their messages. If people mistake these bot accounts as genuine representations of those groups’ views instead of recognizing them as orchestrated misinformation campaigns, it could potentially affect their real-world beliefs.

Concerning the current controversy over claims that Black voters support President Trump because “they love sneakers,” it’s plausible that chatbot networks may be impersonating Black Americans online to create a narrative aimed at influencing perceptions of the Black community’s actual political preferences and priorities. While there is no clear evidence confirming this in the particular case being discussed, the growing power of AI generative technology does make it essential to guard against manipulation via increasingly sophisticated chatbots posing as grassroots human voices.


Studies like the 2020 Computational Propaganda Research Project report documented coordinated bot networks influencing the US election, demonstrating the potential for manipulation. The 2018 Facebook case, where fake accounts targeted Black voters, further underscores the vulnerability of specific demographics to targeted narratives.

Combating this threat requires a multi-pronged approach. Platforms like X, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook must continue developing tools to identify and remove bot networks. They should prioritize transparency, making clear efforts to combat misinformation visible to users. Individual users also have a responsibility to be critical consumers of information. Verifying sources, avoiding sharing unverified content and fostering healthy skepticism are crucial.

While social media can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, it is essential to note that it should not be considered as reliable as other data collection methods like focus groups or surveys. This is because social media is not a controlled environment and the data collected may not represent the entire population. Additionally, social media users may not always be truthful or accurate in their responses. Therefore, using social media insights to supplement other data collection methods rather than relying solely on them is vital, particularly when identifying or labeling groups of people.