Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Is Powering the AI Revolution

Nvidia Ceo Jensen Huang Is Powering The Ai Revolution

That shouldn’t keep me up at night—because I should make sure that I’m sufficiently exhausted from working that no one can keep me up at night. That’s really the only thing I can control.

But what wakes me up in the morning is surely that we have to keep building on our promise, which is, we’re the only company in the world that everybody can partner with to build AI supercomputers at data-center scale and at the full stack.

“I’ll try to do 40 push-ups a day. That doesn’t take any longer than a couple of minutes. I’m a lazy exerciser.”

I have some personal questions I wanted to ask you.

[Huang to a public relations representative.] She’s done her homework. Not to mention, I’m just enjoying the conversation.

I’m glad. I am as well. I did want to—

By the way, whenever Morris, or people who I’ve known a long time, ask me to be the moderator of interviews, the reason for that is because I’m not going to sit there and interview them by asking them questions. I’m just having a conversation with them. You have to be empathetic to the audience and what they might want to hear about.

So I asked ChatGPT a question about you. I wanted to know if you had any tattoos, because I was going to propose that for our next meetup, that we get you a tattoo.

If you get a tattoo, I’ll get one.

I already have one, but I’ve been looking to expand.

I have one too.

Yes. This is what I learned from ChatGPT. It said Jensen Huang got a tattoo of the company logo when the stock price reached $100. Then it said, “However, Huang has expressed that he’s unlikely to get any more tattoos, noting the pain was more intense than he anticipated.” It said you cried. Did you cry?

A little bit. My recommendation is you should have a shot of whiskey before you do it. Or take Advil. I also think that women can take a lot more pain, because my daughter has a fairly large tattoo.

So if you were down to get a tattoo, I was thinking a triangle might be nice, because who doesn’t like triangles? They’re perfect geometry.

Or the silhouette of Nvidia’s building! It’s composed of triangles.

That’s a commitment. I was wondering, how often do you personally use ChatGPT or Bard, or the like?

I’ve been using Perplexity. I enjoy ChatGPT as well. I use both almost every day.

For what?

Research. For example, computer-aided drug discovery. Maybe you would like to know about the recent advancements in computer-aided drug discovery. And so you want to frame the overall topic so that you could have a framework, and from that framework, you could ask more and more specific questions. I really love that about these large language models.

I heard you used to lift weights. Do you still do that?

No. I’ll try to do 40 push-ups a day. That doesn’t take any longer than a couple of minutes. I’m a lazy exerciser. I’ll do squats while I’m brushing my teeth.

Recently you made a comment on the Acquired podcast that went viral. The hosts asked, if you were 30 years old today and were thinking about starting a company, what would you start? And you said you wouldn’t start a company at all. Do you have any amendments to that?