Artificial intelligence, conceptual computer artwork.


In our MIT AI Venture Studio class this week, we had Alex Wissner-Gross, a computer scientist with a lot of experience in innovation who can claim MIT as his alma mater, talking about some of his ideas on general AI

Wissner-Gross provided some thoughts that I had never thought about quite like this before!

Alex Wissner-Gross sharing ideas with class

John Werner

“History will look back on this transition (to AGI) as inevitable,” he said, making the analogy in physics to how systems move toward energy-dense forms of consumption. “Look at every major advance in energy … they all, ultimately, reduce to some sort of compression.”

The second part of his axiom further concerns what we’re going to be seeing in the next few years – Wissner-Gross suggested that if you compress enough human knowledge, the result is some sort of intelligence.

Citing scientists Marcus Hutter and Jurgen Schmidhuber, and their work associated with the importance of compression, he talked about collecting data from the “ensemble of all human minds” and how that can produce the strong AI that we’re starting to see all around us.


MIT AI Venture Studio Class

John Werner

“All we need for AI is to compress below a certain threshold,” he said.

I thought it was interesting when he coined the term (at least I’d never heard it before) “technical determinism” to describe this phenomenon.

If you think about it, though, it makes sense – what is a book, except compressed knowledge? What about the Internet?

MIT AI Venture Studio Class

John Werner

As a landmark on the way to strong AI, Wissner-Gross talked about the early in-context learning applications developed in this decade with models like GPT3, that can, increasingly, handle diverse tasks well.

Asking the rhetorical question: ‘when will we have artificial general intelligence?’ he said: we essentially already have it!

Then Wissner-Gross related this to the business world, for the students in the audience thinking about practical applications. He mentioned how much of the U.S. GDP, which is in the trillions of dollars, is related to services, and how that might relate to the potential for AI in the short term.

“Pick a vertical,” he said. “Replace all human labor with AGI.”

The results, he suggested, will be thousands of multibillion-dollar opportunities over the next two years.

“Let 1000 or 10,000 flowers bloom,” Wissner-Gross said.

We asked some follow-up questions, Wissner-Gross urged students to find verticals that no one else is paying attention to.

In the short term, he suggested, the “winds of technological change” will drive the results of LLMs and associated tool-using systems into our markets – later will come different multimodal models for even more of this sort of automation and legacy migration.

Briefly, we heard from investor Mark Castleman who is currently at Intel Ignite, where he says they look at 5000 companies a year.

“We’re seeing a lot of insane stuff,” he said, encouraging students to think outside the box.

Ramesh followed this up, in addressing the search for these obscure verticals – (students gave examples like veterinary care and work related to assisting refugees) while also getting into things like data silos, and guidelines for working practically with models.

I thought that Wissner-Gross’s comments (and the others) were really helpful in thinking about the nature of how we got to the point they we’re at with AI: the compression of data equals intelligence!

Think about that as you’re brainstorming.

We’ll have more on the class next week.