The vaunted doctor-patient relationship is transforming into the inclusion of generative AI and … [+] becoming the doctor-AI-patient relationship.


In today’s column, I am continuing my ongoing series about the impact of generative AI in the health and medical realm. This time, the focus is on using generative AI and large language models (LLMs) as immersed in the doctor-patient relationship. This emerging topic materially impacts the nature of clinical decision-making and will herald significant changes in the delivery of medical services and potentially the quality of medical outcomes.

Allow me upfront to state that this is a dual-edged sword consideration.

Here’s the deal.

The conventional duet or couplet of a doctor and a patient, commonly referred to as doctor-patient or physician-patient, is steering toward what I refer to as The New Triad. The first step entails patients making use of generative AI to aid in their medical advisement, referred to here as patient-AI. At about the same time, doctors are also starting to make use of generative AI, referred to here as doctor-AI. The evolution of those changes will incrementally lead to generative AI being smack dab in the middle of the doctor-patient relationship, referred to here as the doctor-AI-patient relationship.

Yes, say that aloud, the doctor-AI-patient relationship.

Disgusting or enthralling?

Let’s talk about it.

The newly emerging triad consists of three primary parties or stakeholders, namely the doctor, the patient, and the inclusion of generative AI. During medical consultations, a doctor and their patient will integrally involve the use of generative AI in real-time. The generative AI will at times aid the doctor in communicating or explaining medical facets to the patient. Likewise, the generative AI will at times aid the patient in articulating medical conditions and questions to the doctor. All in all, the aim would be that generative AI acts in a supportive role to both the doctor and the patient (i.e., before, during, and after medical consultations).


This brings us to the dual-edged sword.

One viewpoint is that this is an unwanted and atrocious intrusion into the sacrosanct doctor-patient relationship. Any such use of generative AI will usurp and undercut the considered medical-focused sacred bond between a doctor and their patient. That bond has great historical precedence and besides being a societal norm, carries notable legal elements too.

The other side of that coin says that this is a much-wanted and greatly needed addition to the traditional doctor-patient relationship. Generative AI will bolster patients by being their advocate. Patients who have little medical knowledge can finally be more confident and assured when interacting with their doctor. They will know that they have generative AI working on their behalf. In the same vein, doctors will welcome generative AI as a helpful tool to improve interaction with their patients. It is a win-win.

Whether in favor of this or disfavoring the changeover, a compelling case can be made that it is coming anyway.

The old ways of doctor-patient relationships will gradually give way to the new construct of doctor-AI-patient relationships. Some would argue that this is inevitable. There will be no turning back the clock. Trying to keep generative AI out of the equation will be difficult, though certainly there will be grand resistance at first. The resistance will be partially based on legitimate concerns that existing generative AI is not sufficiently up to the task. Advances in generative AI will chew away at that contention. Step by step, the triad will inch forward.

I have extensively covered in my column various ways in which generative AI is already entering into the doctor-patient relationship. For example, I did an in-depth analysis of generative AI used in performing medical differential diagnoses and being an aid or sometimes a detriment to clinical decision-making, see the link here. I also closely examined the coming wave of potential medical malpractice due to the infusion of generative AI into the clinical process, see the link here. Another topic consisted of the use of generative AI for boosting empathy on the part of medical students and medical doctors, see the link here. Yet another vital consideration is the adoption of generative AI for summarizing medical notes and other medical materials, which carries advantages and corresponding risks, see the link here.

In short, the application of generative AI to the medical and health arena is promising, growing rapidly, and proffers a lot of benefits that need to be carefully weighed against the existent limitations and downsides. It is happening at nearly a dizzying pace. My emphasis throughout is that we should both embrace generative AI and yet also be mindful of how and when to sensibly use generative AI. I believe in taking an eyes-wide-open approach. My point is that we should not fear or neglect the use of generative AI, nor should we blindly leap into the use of generative AI.

Let’s take a balanced viewpoint and make sure that especially when using generative AI in a medical or health setting, we are doing so with the greatest possible awareness and suitable checks and balances.

Here’s how I am going to proceed in this discussion about The New Triad of the doctor-AI-patient relationship.

First, I will provide research that underlies the existing exploration of generative AI in clinical decision-making. This will include examining the prevailing nature of the doctor-patient relationship. Next, I will highlight some of the more crucial facets of the newly emerging doctor-AI-patient relationship and mull over how the anticipated changes will be handy but also fraught with potential downsides. Finally, I will be showing you via the use of the widely and wildly popular generative AI app ChatGPT a semblance of what the interactions might be like in a doctor-AI-patient discourse.

Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride.

Doctor-Patient Relationship And What It Portends

Let’s start at the beginning.

I will be using the nomenclature of “doctor-patient” throughout this discussion. Some prefer to state this coupling as physician-patient, patient-physician, clinician-patient, patient-clinician, patient-doctor, etc., for which I am going to treat those as equivalent to saying doctor-patient. Do not infer any distinction between any of those phrasings in this discussion. Also, in terms of the doctor-patient relationship, there is an acronym that is used by some consisting of stating this as DPR. I’m not going to be using that acronym, but it might come up in some of the research excerpts that I will be quoting and wanted you to know what the acronym refers to.

Now then, exactly what is the doctor-patient relationship and what significance does it hold?

Let’s consider a formalized definition of the doctor-patient relationship, as noted in this insightful excerpt:

“The doctor-patient relationship has been defined as ‘a consensual relationship in which the patient knowingly seeks the physician’s assistance and in which the physician knowingly accepts the person as a patient.’ At its core, the doctor-patient relationship represents a fiduciary relationship in which, by entering into the relationship, the physician agrees to respect the patient’s autonomy, maintain confidentiality, explain treatment options, obtain informed consent, provide the highest standard of care, and commit not to abandon the patient without giving him or her adequate time to find a new doctor. However, such a contractual definition fails to portray the immense and profound nature of the doctor-patient relationship.” (source: “Impact of the Doctor-Patient Relationship” by Fallon Chipidza, Rachel Wallwork, Theodore Stern, Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders, 2015).

Why care about the doctor-patient relationship?

One mighty answer is this: Medical outcomes.

A significant and intuitively sensible reason to care about the doctor-patient relationship is that the medical outcomes for the patient are said to be demonstrably impacted by the nature of that relationship. Generally, research has “asserted that poor outcomes (objective measures or standardized subjective metrics that are assessed after an encounter) flow from an impaired doctor-patient relationship (e.g. when patients feel unheard, disrespected, or otherwise out of partnership with their physicians).” (ibid). One could compellingly argue that a lousy or impaired doctor-patient relationship is on a slippery slope toward adverse medical outcomes, though this is not an ironclad rule and certainly the matter is likely to be situationally dependent.

Consider the high variability associated with a doctor-patient relationship.

Such a relationship might be strong and vibrant. Such a relationship might be weak and fragile. The doctor-patient relationship can vary from moment to moment. You would be hard-pressed to claim that the doctor-patient relationship is static and always at its perfect peak.

The immensely popular TV show House vividly reflected the dynamics of how the doctor-patient relationship comes into play. Much of the time, the main character Dr. House has not just flawed relationships with patients but often has an outright disdain and antagonist relationship at hand. Despite this contentious rapport, in the end, the medical decision-making was portrayed as stellar, though via a rather staggered path. Of course, this is a fictitious storyline, and we should be cautious in leaping to any conclusions. Nonetheless, real life seems to bear out that the same possibilities of how a doctor-patient relationship can come and go in a myriad of directions.

Returning to the matter of medical outcomes, if you are wondering how medical outcomes might be measured to assess potential impacts from the doctor-patient relationship, tying together a direct cause-and-effect can be daunting. Numerous other factors could also impact medical outcomes. In any case, research on doctor-patient relationships has typically focused on three major types of outcomes, as mentioned in this excerpt: “Thus, there are many different outcome measures. However, these measures can be divided into 3 main domains: physiologic/objective measures, behavioral measures, and subjective measures.” (ibid).

In the 1950s, there was a surge of interest in codifying the nature of the doctor-patient relationship. Rather than simply waving our hands at an amorphous murkiness, the thinking was that this special type of relationship could be methodically categorized.

One such categorization noted in 1956 postulated that there were three fundamental types of the doctor-patient relationship, as stated in a research paper entitled “A Contribution to the Philosophy of Medicine: The Basic Models of the Doctor-Patient Relationship” by Thomas Szasz and Marc Hollender, AMA Archives of Internal Medicine, May 1956.

Here are the three models (excerpts as cited above):

(1) Active-Passive Model. “The active-passive model is the oldest of the 3 models. It is based on the physician acting upon the patient, who is treated as an inanimate object. This model may be appropriate during an emergency when the patient may be unconscious or when a delay in treatment may cause irreparable harm. In such situations, consent (and complicated conversations) is waived.”
(2) Guidance-Cooperation Model. “In the guidance-cooperation model, a doctor is placed in a position of power due to having medical knowledge that the patient lacks. The doctor is expected to decide what is in the patient’s best interest and to make recommendations accordingly. The patient is then expected to comply with these recommendations.”
(3) Mutual Participation Model. “The mutual participation model is based on an equal partnership between the doctor and the patient. The patient is viewed as an expert in his or her life experiences and goals, making patient involvement essential for designing treatment. The physician’s role is to elicit a patient’s goals and to help achieve these goals. This model requires that both parties have equal power, are mutually interdependent, and engage in activities that are equally satisfying to both parties.”

Around that same time, a now-classic book entitled “The Doctor, his Patient and the Illness” by Michael Balint came out in 1957 and was said to be an eye-opener about the reality of doctor-patient relationships. For example, an insightful discussion regarding the collusion of anonymity was raised, highlighting the dangers of when a patient is handed from one medical specialist to the next. Another often noted insight was that doctors might be perceived as a kind of “drug” that patients get hooked on. And so on.

Sweeping ahead to the early 1990s, a research study entitled “Four Models of the Physician-Patient Relationship” by Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Linda L. Emanuel, JAMA, April 1992, proposed that the set of models for characterizing the doctor-patient relationship should consist of these four types:

(1) The Paternalistic physician-patient model
(2) The Informative physician-patient model
(3) The Interpretive physician-patient model
(4) The Deliberative physician-patient model

Those four models largely continue today as a means of typifying the doctor-patient relationship. I would like to quickly bring you up to speed on those models.

In the above-cited study of Emanuel and Emanuel, they make these salient points (excerpts):

“We shall outline four models of the physician-patient interaction, emphasizing the different understandings of (1) the goals of the physician-patient interaction, (2) the physician’s obligations, (3) the role of patient values, and (4) the conception of patient autonomy.”
“In the paternalistic model, the physician acts as the patient’s guardian, articulating and implementing what is best for the patient.”
“In the informative model, the physician is a purveyor of technical expertise, providing the patient with the means to exercise control.”
“In the interpretive model, the physician is a counselor, analogous to a cabinet minister’s advisory role to a head of state, supplying relevant information, helping to elucidate values and suggesting what medical interventions realize these values.”
“In the deliberative model, the physician acts as a teacher or friend, engaging the patient in dialogue on what course of action would be best.”

The researchers acknowledge that there are additional ways to characterize the doctor-patient relationship. They also indicate that such relationships can change over time. To some degree, they can overlap too.

Here’s what the paper mentioned about these heads-up caveats (excerpts):

“The four models are not exhaustive. At a minimum there might be added a fifth: the instrumental model. In this model, the patient’s values are irrelevant; the physician aims for some goal independent of the patient, such as the good of society or the furtherance of scientific knowledge.”
“Clearly, under different clinical circumstances, different models may be appropriate. Indeed, at different times all four models may justifiably guide physicians and patients. Nevertheless, it is important to specify one model as the shared, paradigmatic reference; exceptions to use other models would not be automatically condemned but would require justification based on the circumstances of a particular situation.”
“Descriptively and prescriptively, we claim that the ideal physician-patient relationship is the deliberative model.”

Finally, I want to make sure you have a strident sense of what the four models involve. I am going to later herein make use of the models and it will be important for you to be familiar with and comfortable with their overall aspects.

Here from the above-cited paper is a brief description of each model (excerpts):

The Paternalistic Model. “First is the paternalistic model, sometimes called the parental or priestly model. In this model, the physician-patient interaction ensures that patients receive the interventions that best promote their health and well-being. To this end, physicians use their skills to determine the patient’s medical condition and his or her stage in the disease process and to identify the medical tests and treatments most likely to restore the patient’s health or ameliorate pain. Then the physician presents the patient with selected information that will encourage the patient to consent to the intervention the physician considers best.”
The Informative Model. “Second is the informative model, sometimes called the scientific, engineering the objective of the physician-patient interaction is for the physician to provide the patient with all relevant information, for the patient to select the medical interventions he or she wants, and for the physician to execute the selected interventions. To this end, the physician informs the patient of his or her disease state, the nature of possible diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, the nature and probability of risks and benefits associated with the interventions, and any uncertainties of knowledge.”
The Interpretive Model. “The third model is the interpretive model. The aim of the physician-patient interaction is to elucidate the patient’s values and what he or she actually wants, and to help the patient select the available medical interventions that realize these values. Like the informative physician, the interpretive physician provides the patient with information on the nature of the condition and the risks and benefits of possible interventions.”
The Deliberative Model. “Fourth is the deliberative model. The aim of the physician-patient interaction is to help the patient determine and choose the best health-related values that can be realized in the clinical situation. To this end, the physician must delineate information on the patient’s clinical situation and then help elucidate the types of values embodied in the available options. The physician’s objectives include suggesting why certain health-related values are more worthy and should be aspired to.”

I have now gotten onto the table some of the essence of the conventional doctor-patient relationship.

This includes a handy set of models that can allow us to have a kind of map of the forest. Whereas doctor-patient relationships might seem like a vastness of scattered trees, a framework such as the four stated models aids in getting our arms around an otherwise seeming formless landscape.

Doctor-Patient Relationship Rockiness

There are a few more points about the doctor-patient relationship that deserve illumination before we get into the generative AI aspects.

A common viewpoint is that a doctor-patient relationship must imbue various tendencies if it is going to be successful and conducive to the clinical decision-making process. The kinds of tendencies traditionally mentioned include:


Those are aspirations for the doctor-patient relationship.

We have to face reality and note that humans, i.e., doctors and patients, are not always able to attain those desired aspects. Thus, it is worthwhile to realize that countervailing tendencies can also enter the mix.

These can include:


Another noteworthy element is that the doctor-patient relationship already has leakage or contains a modicum of in-the-middle factors in the sense that there is at times third-party involvement on the part of the patient.

These third parties can encompass:

Family member of patient
Partner of patient
Children of patient
Friend of patient
Adviser to patient

I’d like to add an additional third party to the list, though it is one that rarely gets attention.

Here it is: Internet searching.

You might assume that a patient would only undertake an Internet search regarding a medical matter either before or after seeing their doctor for a visit. This is slowly sneaking into the visit itself as a patient has their smartphone at the ready while discussing their medical condition with the doctor. In that sense, you could suggest that some form of computing is already edging into the doctor-patient relationship.

Internet searching though is a far cry from what generative AI provides. Conventional use of the Internet requires that the patient have the wherewithal to know what to search for, along with making sense of what they might have found. As you will shortly see herein, generative AI goes far beyond that limited notion.

I should importantly mention that generative AI is being blended into Internet searching, a trend that will further expand. Thus, when I refer to generative AI this is not confined to so-called “closed off” generative AI but also generative AI that can connect to the Internet in real time.

Generative AI And The Doctor-Patient Relationship

There are varying views of where generative AI belongs in terms of the doctor-patient relationship.

For the sake of convenience let’s lump the viewpoints into two types:

(1) Outside. Generative AI is used outside of the doctor-patient relationship in the sense that it is not integral during medical consultations and is instead confined to before or after those activities. It is ancillary to the relationship.
(2) Inside. Generative AI is integrated throughout the doctor-patient relationship and is considered essential even during medical consultations. It is part and parcel of the relationship.

In a research study exploring the role of generative AI in this overall context, a paper entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & ChatGPT: De-Tether the Physician” by Anthony DiGiorgio and Jesse Ehrenfeld, Journal of Medical Systems, March 2023, made these salient remarks (excerpts):

“At this moment, from a technological and regulatory standpoint, where AI can excel and should be leveraged is in unburdening physicians, de-tethering us from our computers, and restoring the patient-physician relationship.”
“AI and algorithms can assist doctors, but it must happen without impairing the patient-physician relationship.”
“The first requirement must be that AI is seamless and unobtrusive.”
“But patients aren’t standardized question stems. They are human beings with thoughts and emotions. They have very complex medical, social, and psychiatric backgrounds. They rarely follow the textbook. It’s this complex person that requires a patient-physician relationship. This sacred bond emphasizes the individual.”

This raises the question of whether we ought to keep generative AI on the outside and presumably maintain the conventional duo of a doctor-patient relationship, untouched by AI in any integral fashion, or whether we should proceed to allow generative AI to be on the inside, though only if aligned suitably.

Appropriate questions, tough to answer.

Consider a recently published paper entitled “The Perils of Artificial Intelligence in a Clinical Landscape” by Isabel Ostrer and Louise Aronson, JAMA Internal Medicine, February 12, 2024, and take a look at these notable points (excerpts):

“The promise of AI is alluring but it must be integrated into the clinical landscape with great intention to avoid harming the clinician-patient relationship, further overwhelming these clinicians, and causing undue harm to patients.
“This may be accomplished in a number of different ways. A few worth considering when developing AI for primary care include learning from the failures of electronic medical record incorporation into practice, optimizing the 5 key functions of primary care identified by the World Health Organization, and spending at least as much on proven improvements as on the unproven ones offered by AI.”

A key consideration is that there have been lots of prior efforts to adopt new technologies into the medical scene, and lamentedly this often is done without suitable forethought and attention. The dismal state of many implementations of EHR (electronic health records) and EMR (electronic medical records) attest to a quite bona fide concern of infusing computing into clinical decision-making.

Can we avoid making mistakes when adopting generative AI?

One would hope so, but the track record of other forms of tech being plopped into the medical arena certainly gives pause for thought. Maybe the prior lessons learned will be brought to the fore. On the other hand, perhaps those lessons will be neglected, or new lessons might arise in the case of generative AI that seemingly catch some unaware (thus, a reason why I am hammering away at these topics, seeking to increase awareness before it is too late).

In another recent paper, entitled “Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Primary Care for Patients and Clinicians” by Urmimala Sarkar and David Bates, JAMA Internal Medicine, February 12, 2024, the authors discuss how generative AI can be potentially and beneficially used for tasks such as processing your inbox, generating medical-oriented documentation, aiding patients’ in-between visits, and supporting diagnoses and treatment efforts (excerpts):

“While the potential to enhance the quality and safety of healthcare in general and of primary care specifically using AI has been discussed for over 2 decades, the technological leap to the widespread availability of generative AI suggests that use will soon affect the practice of primary care on a daily, if not an hourly, basis.”
“If applied broadly to the challenges of primary care, generative AI has the potential to not only incrementally improve primary care but transform it. We believe AI can reduce many of the everyday challenges experienced by primary care clinicians as they strive to deliver high-quality care.”
“We see 4 specific types of primary care work that are all pain points and could benefit from AI: (1) inbox management, (2) documentation, (3) between-visit panel management, and (4) decision support for diagnosis and treatment.”
“Some have questioned whether the use of generative AI, in particular its use in responding to patient messages, will further attenuate the humanistic patient-clinician relationship. In response, we contend that automating selected aspects of primary care work frees time for the relationship-building and tending that are essential to primary care. We expect that the implementation of cutting-edge AI tools will require rigorous monitoring for safety and usefulness, with iterative adjustments that include input from frontline care teams, patients, and families. Moreover, AI implementation requires robust ethical oversight to avoid perpetuating or worsening inequities in health care delivery.”
“The current practice of primary care is suboptimal for patients and no longer feasible for clinicians, and AI will improve its outcomes, efficiency, and hopefully, sustainability as a career path. These AI solutions offer great potential benefits but only if thoughtfully developed with the needs of frontline clinicians in mind.”

Important points indeed.

Into this milieu comes the controversial hypothesis that perhaps generative AI can be or ought to be integrated into the doctor-patient relationship, doing so on the inside and not kept at arm’s length on the outside.

Let’s take a closer look at the contentious matter.

Consider these three emerging aspects:

(a) Patient-AI usage (couplet on the side). A patient opts to use generative AI and do so on their own, either surreptitiously without informing their doctor or by letting the doctor know that they are consulting generative AI as a supportive tool in their medical journey.
(b) Doctor-AI usage (couplet on the side). A doctor opts to use generative AI and does so on their own, either without informing the patient or by letting the patient know that from time to time they are making use of generative AI as a clinical decision support tool in their medical practice.
(c) Doctor-AI-patient relationship (The New Triad). Generative AI is integrated into the relationship of the doctor and patient, becoming a key element throughout the medical journey including even when visits of the doctor and patient occur.

I shall focus on the third aspect, namely the doctor-AI-patient relationship.

Is it good or bad?

Sorry to say that despite the opinions that might line up on either side, trying to definitively count this as totally bad or completely good is a bit problematic. First, there are both good and bad considerations to be considered. Second, as alluded to earlier, this is a train already leaving the station. If you sternly believe it is bad, you’d better get cracking and find ways to stop the train or at least decide you won’t permit it in your medical practice and will force the train to take a sidetrack when it comes to your services.

How this might impact your population of targeted patients is unclear, since gradually a proportion of patients are going to embrace the doctor-AI-patient relationship. They will either then avoid your services or sneak around and resort to the lopsided patient-AI, which is by one means or another silently entering (intruding) the traditional doctor-patient relationship.

I’ve found helpful the acknowledgement that the triad can be at times in these potential states or statuses:

(i) Beneficial doctor-AI-patient triad. Helps the relationship between the doctor and patient, taking the traditional doctor-patient relationship to new heights.
(ii) Adversarial doctor-AI-patient triad. Undercuts the relationship between the doctor and the patient, worsening a conventional doctor-patient relationship that might otherwise have been formed.
(iii) Variable doctor-AI-patient triad. Sometimes helps, and sometimes undercuts, varying throughout the cycle of the doctor and patient’s overall relationship.

I realize that this might seem somewhat abstract and perhaps you can’t quite yet get a handle on what this triad might be like. I’m glad you asked.

Doctors tend to be the show-me type.

They want to not only get the conceptual groundwork, but they also want to see things in action. Great, since I am about to show you what this can look like. I am going to use generative AI, in this case ChatGPT, and derive various illustrative examples. I aim to give you something tangible to glean what the doctor-AI-patient relationship might consist of.

Before we leap into a deep dive, I’d like to establish more distinctly what generative AI is all about.

Core Background About Generative AI And Large Language Models

Here is some quick background about generative AI to make sure we are in the same ballpark about what generative AI and also large language models (LLMs) consist of. If you are already highly versed in generative AI and LLMs, you might skim this quick backgrounder and then pick up once I get into the particulars of this specific use case.

I’d like to start by dispelling a myth about generative AI. Banner headlines from time to time seem to claim or heartily suggest that AI such as generative AI is sentient or that it is fully on par with human intelligence. Don’t fall for that falsity, please.

Realize that generative AI is not sentient and only consists of mathematical and computational pattern matching. The way that generative AI works is that a great deal of data is initially fed into a pattern-matching algorithm that tries to identify patterns in the words that humans use. Most of the modern-day generative AI apps were data trained by scanning data such as text essays and narratives that were found on the Internet. Doing this was a means of getting the pattern-matching to statistically figure out which words we use and when we tend to use those words. Generative AI is built upon the use of a large language model (LLM), which entails a large-scale data structure to hold the pattern-matching facets and the use of a vast amount of data to undertake the setup data training.

There are numerous generative AI apps available nowadays, including GPT-4, Bard, Gemini, Claude, ChatGPT, etc. The one that is seemingly the most popular would be ChatGPT by AI maker OpenAI. In November 2022, OpenAI’s ChatGPT was made available to the public at large and the response was astounding in terms of how people rushed to make use of the newly released AI app. As noted earlier, there are an estimated one hundred million active weekly users at this time.

Using generative AI is relatively simple.

You log into a generative AI app and enter questions or comments as prompts. The generative AI app takes your prompting and uses the already devised pattern matching based on the original data training to try and respond to your prompts. You can interact or carry on a dialogue that appears to be nearly fluent. The nature of the prompts that you use can be a make-or-break when it comes to getting something worthwhile out of using generative AI and I’ve discussed at length the use of state-of-the-art prompt engineering techniques to best leverage generative AI, see the link here.

The conventional modern-day generative AI is of an ilk that I refer to as generic generative AI.

By and large, the data training was done on a widespread basis and involved smatterings of this or that along the way. Generative AI in that instance is not specialized in a specific domain and instead might be construed as a generalist. If you want to use generic generative AI to advise you about financial issues, legal issues, medical issues, and the like, you ought to not consider doing so. There isn’t enough depth included in the generic generative AI to render the AI suitable for domains requiring specific expertise.

AI researchers and AI developers realize that most of the contemporary generative AI is indeed generic and that people want generative AI to be deeper rather than solely shallow. Efforts are stridently being made to try and make generative AI that contains notable depth within various selected domains. One method to do this is called RAG (retrieval-augmented generation), which I’ve described in detail at the link here. Other methods are being pursued and you can expect that we will soon witness a slew of generative AI apps shaped around specific domains, see my prediction at the link here.

You might be used to using generative AI that functions in a principled text-to-text mode. A user enters some text, known as a prompt, and the generative AI app emits or generates a text-based response. Simply stated, this is text-to-text. I sometimes describe this as text-to-essay, due to the common practice of people using generative AI to produce essays.

The typical interaction is that you enter a prompt, get a response, you enter another prompt, you get a response, and so on. This is a conversation or dialogue. Another typical approach consists of entering a prompt such as tell me about the life of Abraham Lincoln, and you get a generated essay that responds to the request.

Another popular mode is text-to-image, also called text-to-art. You enter text that describes something you want to be portrayed as an image or a piece of art. The generative AI tries to parse your request and generate artwork or imagery based on your stipulation. You can iterate in a dialogue to have the generative AI adjust or modify the rendered result.

We are heading beyond the simple realm of text-to-text and text-to-image by shifting into an era of multi-modal generative AI, see my prediction details at the link here. With multi-modal generative AI, you will be able to use a mix of combinations or modes, such as text-to-audio, audio-to-text, text-to-video, video-to-text, audio-to-video, video-to-audio, etc. This will allow users to incorporate other sensory devices such as using a camera to serve as input to generative AI. You then can ask the generative AI to analyze the captured video and explain what the video consists of.

Multi-modal generative AI tremendously ups the ante regarding what you can accomplish with generative AI. This unlocks a lot more opportunities than being confined to merely one mode. You can for example mix a wide variety of modes such as using generative AI to analyze captured video and audio, which you might then use to generate a script, and then modify that script to then have the AI produce a new video with accompanying audio. The downside is that you can potentially get into hot water more easily due to trying to leverage the multi-modal facilities.

Allow me to briefly cover the hot water or troubling facets of generative AI.

Today’s generative AI that you readily run on your laptop or smartphone has tendencies that are disconcerting and deceptive:

(1) False aura of confidence.
(2) Lack of stating uncertainties.
(3) Lulls you into believing it to be true.
(4) Uses anthropomorphic wording to mislead you.
(5) Can go off the rails and do AI hallucinations.
(6) Sneakily portrays humility.

I’ll briefly explore those qualms.

Firstly, generative AI is purposely devised by AI makers to generate responses that seem confident and have a misleading appearance of an aura of greatness. An essay or response by generative AI convinces the user that the answer is on the up and up. It is all too easy for users to assume that they are getting responses of an assured quality. Now, to clarify, there are indeed times when generative AI will indicate that an answer or response is unsure, but that is a rarity. The bulk of the time a response has a semblance of perfection.

Secondly, many of the responses by generative AI are really guesses in a mathematical and statistical sense, but seldom does the AI indicate either an uncertainty level or a certainty level associated with a reply. The user can explicitly request to see a certainty or uncertainty, see my coverage at the link here, but that’s on the shoulders of the user to ask. If you don’t ask, the prevailing default is don’t tell.

Thirdly, a user is gradually and silently lulled into believing that the generative AI is flawless. This is an easy mental trap to fall into. You ask a question and get a solid answer, and this happens repeatedly. After a while, you assume that all answers will be good. Your guard drops. I’d dare say this happens even to the most skeptical and hardened of users.

Fourth, the AI makers have promulgated wording by generative AI that appears to suggest that AI is sentient. Most answers by the AI will typically contain the word “I”. The implication to the user is that the AI is speaking from the heart. We normally reserve the word “I” for humans to use. It is a word bandied around by most generative AI and the AI makers could easily curtail this if they wanted to do so.

It is what I refer to as anthropomorphizing by design.

Not good.

Fifth, generative AI can produce errors or make stuff up, yet there is often no warning or indication when this occurs. The user must ferret out these mistakes. If it occurs in a lengthy or highly dense response, the chance of discovering the malady is low or at least requires extraordinary double-checking to discover. The phrase AI hallucinations is used for these circumstances, though I disfavor using the word “hallucinations” since it is lamentedly another form of anthropomorphizing the AI.

Lastly, most generative AI has been specially data-trained to express a sense of humility. See my in-depth analysis at the link here. Users tend to let down their guard because of this artificially crafted humility. Again, this is a trickery undertaken by the AI makers.

In a process such as RLHF (reinforcement learning with human feedback), the initial data-trained generative AI is given added tuning. Personnel are hired to ask questions and then rate the answers of the AI. The ratings are used by the computational pattern matching to fine-tune how later answers should be worded. If you are curious about what generative AI might be like without this fine-tuning, see my discussion at the link here.

The vital takeaway is that there is a lot of tomfoolery already when it comes to generative AI. You are primed to be taken in by the tricks and techniques being employed.

Generative AI And The Four Models Of Doctor-Patient Relationships

You are now versed in the fundamentals of generative AI and large language models. We can proceed to go deeper into the topic at hand. I opted to make use of ChatGPT to illuminate what it would be like to use generative AI for exploring the doctor-AI-patient relationship possibilities.

ChatGPT is a logical choice in this case due to its immense popularity as a generative AI app (purportedly, consisting of an astounding one hundred million weekly active users). This popularity is likely to increase when you toss multi-modal generative AI advancement into the mix, which is coming closer to everyday use (see my discussion at the link here), we will not just use text with generative AI but also video, audio, and other computer-based sensory capabilities.

A few other quick comments before we launch into using ChatGPT. If you are going to try to do the same prompts that I show here, realize that the probabilistic and statistical properties will likely produce slightly different results than what I show here. That’s the nature of generative AI and how it is devised.

Another consideration is that generic generative AI is not specifically data-trained for doing the tasks that I will be asking ChatGPT to do. That being said, given that generative AI has been generally data trained across a wide swath of the Internet, there is indubitably tons of content about these matters that has come under the guise of generic pattern-matching.

I think you will be somewhat surprised to see how convincing a job that generic generative AI seems to do on this.

If there is sufficient interest in this, I was entertaining the idea of doing a more advanced look by fine-tuning generative AI to become more data-trained on this topic. I would pull together specialized material and feed that into the generative AI, using a RAG-related approach as mentioned earlier. I’ll see if reader feedback requests that additional exploration.

Let’s for now get underway with generic generative AI.

I will be doing two major mini-experiments or explorations.

First, I think it is useful to showcase to you the four models that are said to be representative of the doctor-patient relationship. I can use generative AI, in this case ChatGPT, as a means of doing so. There are plenty of handy lessons to be gleaned.

Second, after covering the four models, I will shift into a somewhat different mode and focus on the new triad that I have explained to you. I want to make sure that the somewhat abstract depiction can be readily understood and visualized. Using generative AI or ChatGPT will be a keen way to do so.

Okay, buckle up because we are about to embark on an adventurous journey.

Let’s begin with a look at the four models, starting with the paternalistic model.

I provided ChatGPT with a lengthy prompt explaining the paternalistic model and then asked ChatGPT to craft a conversation between a doctor and a patient that would reflect this approach. I would normally show you the prompt that I used, but in this case, it is essentially the same as the prior description about the paternalistic model and ergo there’s no need to repeat it again here.

Take a close look at the devised dialogue.

ChatGPT generated response (Paternalistic model):

“Doctor: Good morning. How are you feeling today?”

“Patient: I’ve been better, doctor. I’ve been experiencing some chest pain lately, and it’s been worrying me.”

“Doctor: I understand. Let’s get to the bottom of this. Based on your symptoms and medical history, I suspect it could be related to your heart health. I’d like to run a few tests to confirm my diagnosis and ensure we take the necessary steps to address it.”

“Patient: Tests? What kind of tests, doctor?”

“Doctor: We’ll start with an electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess your heart’s electrical activity. This will help us determine if there are any abnormalities. Additionally, we may need to perform some blood tests to check your cholesterol levels and cardiac enzymes.”

“Patient: Do you think it’s serious?”

“Doctor: It’s too early to say definitively, but given your symptoms, it’s important to rule out any serious cardiac issues. If we catch any problems early, we can take action to prevent further complications.”

End of ChatGPT response

Did you catch the paternalistic undertones?

I know that the devised dialogue is relatively subtle in terms of showcasing a paternalistic approach, but that’s often the way the real world is. You cannot expect necessarily that any of these approaches will be conveyed in a manner that hits you over the head. Subtly is frequently at play.

To help highlight how the dialogue reflects a paternalistic model, we can ask ChatGPT to disclose the elements for us.

My entered prompt: “What in this dialogue indicates the use of a paternalistic model?”
ChatGPT generated response:

“In this dialogue, several aspects indicate a paternalistic approach.”

Physician’s Decision-Making Authority: The doctor takes the lead in determining the tests needed and potential treatment options without seeking the patient’s input or preferences initially. This reflects the idea that the physician acts as the patient’s guardian, making decisions based on their medical expertise.”

Limited Patient Involvement: The patient is informed about the tests and potential treatment options, but there’s no explicit invitation for the patient to actively participate in decision-making. The doctor presents information in a way that encourages the patient to consent to the interventions deemed best by the physician.”

Assurance of Guidance: The doctor assures the patient that they will be there to guide them through the process, reinforcing the idea of the physician as the patient’s advocate and caretaker.”

“Overall, the dialogue portrays a dynamic where the doctor assumes the primary responsibility for determining the best course of action for the patient’s health, while the patient’s role is mainly to follow the doctor’s recommendations and instructions.”

End of ChatGPT response

I suppose that the noted elements are not perhaps fully persuasive to you that the dialogue has a paternalistic model as an underpinning.

A means to get a sounder grasp of the model differences is to compare representative dialogues of one versus the other. I will go ahead and get ChatGPT to do a devised dialogue for each of the other models. I will also have ChatGPT delineate what aspects were reflective of each model. This might aid in illuminating the differences.

For each of these next ChatGPT responses, I provided once again a depiction of each respective model, akin to the description earlier provided herein. I won’t show those prompts since they are essentially repetitive of what I’ve already shown you.

Let’s see a dialogue based on the informative model.

ChatGPT generated response (Informative model):

“Doctor: Good morning. How are you feeling today?”

“Patient: I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my abdomen lately, doctor.”

“Doctor: I see. Let’s discuss that. Based on your symptoms, we may need to explore a few possibilities. One potential cause could be related to your digestive system. Have you noticed any changes in your bowel movements or diet recently?”

“Patient: Yes, I’ve had some irregularities in my bowel movements, and my diet hasn’t been the healthiest lately.”

“Doctor: That’s helpful information. Given your symptoms, I’d like to perform a few diagnostic tests to better understand what’s going on. We’ll start with a blood test to check for any abnormalities in your blood counts and liver function. Additionally, I recommend we schedule an abdominal ultrasound to get a clearer picture of your digestive organs.”

“Patient: Will these tests tell us what’s wrong?”

“Doctor: They will certainly provide valuable information. The blood test can help us rule out certain conditions and identify any underlying issues with your liver or blood composition. The ultrasound will allow us to visualize your digestive organs and detect any abnormalities such as inflammation, tumors, or gallstones.”

“Patient: What happens after we get the results?”

“Doctor: Once we have the results, we’ll discuss them together. Depending on what we find, we can explore various treatment options. This could include dietary changes, medication, or in some cases, surgical intervention. I’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your healthcare.”

“Patient: Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your thorough explanation.”

End of ChatGPT response

You might have observed that this time the doctor seemed to do a lot more informational communication. That makes sense in this informative model.

I’d like to see what ChatGPT indicates about this.

My entered prompt: “What in this dialogue indicates the use of an informative model?”
ChatGPT generated response:

“In this dialogue, several aspects indicate that an informative approach was used.”

Patient’s Active Involvement: The doctor engages the patient in a discussion about their symptoms and encourages them to provide information about their medical history and recent experiences. This reflects the idea of providing the patient with all relevant information to allow them to make decisions about their healthcare.”

Transparent Explanation of Tests: The doctor clearly explains the purpose and nature of the diagnostic tests proposed, including the blood test and abdominal ultrasound. This aligns with the objective of providing the patient with information about possible diagnostic interventions.”

Discussion of Treatment Options: The doctor mentions that depending on the test results, various treatment options will be explored, including dietary changes, medication, or surgery. This highlights the patient’s role in selecting the medical interventions they prefer based on the information provided by the physician.”

Empowerment and Support: The doctor emphasizes that the patient’s input is valued and assures them that they will be provided with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare. This reflects the idea of empowering the patient to exercise control over their health while receiving support from the physician.”

“Overall, the dialogue showcases a dynamic where the physician acts as a purveyor of technical expertise, providing the patient with comprehensive information to facilitate their decision-making process regarding medical interventions.”

End of ChatGPT response

I would say that the dialogue does encompass those facets of an informative model. One caveat to keep in mind is that these are relatively short snippets of dialogue. We have to be cautious of overstepping an interpretation on such a brief indication of a typified conversation. Nonetheless, I assume that you are beginning to more clearly detect the subtle signs associated with the respective models.

Time to take a gander at the interpretative model.

ChatGPT generated response (Interpretive model):

“Doctor: Good morning. How are you feeling today?

“Patient: I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, doctor. I’ve been experiencing some pain in my lower back, and it’s been affecting my daily activities.”

“Doctor: I understand. It sounds like this pain is having a significant impact on your quality of life. Can you tell me more about how it’s been affecting you?”

“Patient: Well, it’s been making it difficult for me to work and even to enjoy activities with my family. I’ve been feeling frustrated and worried about what might be causing it.”

“Doctor: I see. It’s important for us to address not just the physical symptoms but also how they’re impacting your overall well-being. Have you thought about what outcomes are most important to you in managing this pain?”

“Patient: I guess I just want to be able to function normally again, without constantly being in discomfort. I want to be able to work and spend time with my family without feeling limited by the pain.”

“Doctor: Thank you for sharing that with me. It’s important for us to align our approach with your values and goals. Based on what you’ve told me, I think it would be beneficial for us to explore some options together. This might include physical therapy to improve your strength and flexibility, medications to manage the pain, or even interventions like injections or surgery if necessary.”

“Patient: I’m not sure what the best option would be.”

“Doctor: That’s completely understandable. Let’s take some time to discuss the pros and cons of each option and how they align with your values and goals. I’m here to provide you with the information and support you need to make the decision that’s right for you.”

“Patient: Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your guidance.”

End of ChatGPT response

Did you pick up on the clues that suggest an interpretive model was taking place before our eyes?

One perhaps obvious aspect was the doctor stating aloud that the values and goals of the patient are vital to the effort. This included the doctor vividly noting that they aim to take time to discuss the pros and cons of the various medical options.

Let’s see what ChatGPT indicates were the signals of an interpretive approach in the devised dialogue.

My entered prompt: “What is it in this dialogue that showcases an interpretive approach?”
ChatGPT generated response:

“Several aspects of the dialogue showcase the interpretive approach.”

Patient-Centered Care: The doctor begins the conversation by asking the patient about their feelings and experiences, demonstrating a focus on understanding the patient’s perspective and values.”

Value Clarification: The doctor helps the patient articulate their values and goals regarding their health and well-being. By asking about the outcomes that are most important to the patient, the doctor ensures that the medical interventions align with the patient’s priorities.”

Collaborative Decision-Making: The doctor suggests exploring treatment options together with the patient, highlighting the importance of shared decision-making. Rather than imposing a specific course of action, the doctor encourages the patient to participate actively in choosing the interventions that best reflect their values and preferences.”

Supportive Guidance: Throughout the dialogue, the doctor provides support and guidance to the patient, emphasizing their role as a counselor or advisor. The doctor assures the patient that they will be there to provide information and assistance as the patient considers their options and makes decisions about their healthcare.”

“Overall, the dialogue illustrates a collaborative and patient-centered approach, with the doctor acting as a supportive guide who helps the patient navigate their healthcare decisions based on their values and preferences.”

End of ChatGPT response

Watchwords in the above explanation consist of value-based, collaborative medical decision-making. If you take another look at the dialogue, I believe you’ll see those elements.

The last of the four models is the deliberative approach. We can do the same as the other dialogues and have ChatGPT devise a conversation reminiscent of the deliberative model. I fed ChatGPT the same description about deliberative models as I showed to you earlier.

Here we go.

ChatGPT generated response (Deliberative model):

“Doctor: Good afternoon. How have you been feeling lately?”

“Patient: Hi, doctor. I’ve been struggling with my weight and overall energy levels. I know I need to make some changes, but I’m not sure where to start.”

“Doctor: I understand. It’s not always easy to know the best path forward, especially when it comes to making lifestyle changes. Let’s talk about some options that might work for you.”

“Patient: That would be great. I’ve heard about different diets and exercise plans, but I’m not sure which one would be best for me.”

“Doctor: Well, there are indeed many approaches out there, but it’s important to find one that aligns with your values and goals. For example, some diets focus on rapid weight loss, while others emphasize long-term sustainability and overall health. Similarly, some exercise plans prioritize intense workouts, while others emphasize consistency and enjoyment.”

“Patient: I see what you mean. I guess I want something that will help me lose weight but also improve my overall health and energy levels in the long run.”

“Doctor: That’s a great goal. It’s important to consider not just the short-term outcomes but also the long-term impact on your well-being. A balanced approach that includes both healthy eating habits and regular physical activity can help you achieve sustainable weight loss while also improving your overall health and energy levels.”

“Patient: That sounds like something I could commit to. But I’m worried about staying motivated and sticking to the plan.”

“Doctor: It’s normal to have concerns about motivation, especially when making significant lifestyle changes. That’s where support systems can be incredibly helpful. Whether it’s enlisting the help of a friend or family member, joining a support group, or working with a nutritionist or personal trainer, having a support network can make a big difference in staying on track. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. I’m here to support you every step of the way, and together, we can find the approach that best aligns with your values and goals.”

End of ChatGPT response

You probably are able to notice the doctor being very empathetic. In some respects, this is similarly reflected in the interpretive model, though the indication in this case is a bit stronger. Again, we are dealing with subtleties.

We can find out what ChatGPT claims are the key elements underlying the deliberative model in the devised conversation.

My entered prompt: “What is in this dialogue that showcases a deliberative approach?”
ChatGPT generated response:

“Several aspects of the dialogue illustrate the deliberative approach.”

Collaborative Decision-Making: The doctor engages the patient in a dialogue about their health concerns and the available options for addressing them. This collaborative approach ensures that the patient plays an active role in determining the best course of action.”

“Values-Based Discussion: The doctor helps the patient explore their values and goals related to health and well-being. By discussing different dietary and exercise approaches and their potential impacts, the doctor helps the patient identify which values are most important to them and how those values can be realized through different options.”

Teaching and Guiding: The doctor acts as a teacher or friend, providing information and guidance to help the patient make informed decisions. The doctor suggests why certain health-related values, such as sustainability and overall well-being, are worthy of pursuit and should be considered in the decision-making process.”

Empowerment: Throughout the dialogue, the doctor empowers the patient to take ownership of their health and make choices that align with their values and goals. By offering support and encouragement, the doctor helps the patient feel confident in their ability to make positive changes.”

“Overall, the dialogue demonstrates a deliberative approach in which the physician facilitates a collaborative, values-based discussion to help the patient determine and choose the best health-related values that can be realized in their clinical situation.”

End of ChatGPT response

You’ve now seen all four of the models.

Those models can be readily invoked while using generative AI. Indeed, a simple prompt can nudge generative AI in the direction of any of those four models. A patient could tell generative AI to proceed in a particular model of their choosing. If that seems too much to ask of a patient, a chatbot that is based on generative AI could be set up beforehand to make use of a particular model. Whoever has opted to make the chatbot available can determine which model they want to utilize when conversing with their patients.

I can up the ante.

Envision a generative AI conversing with a patient and on-the-fly determining which model seems to best fit the style and tone of the patient as exhibited during the dialogue. I am not suggesting this is some incredible sentient magical capacity. The computational pattern matching of generative AI would merely be examining the wording of the patient during the dialogue, seeking to find patterns of what style they might best feel comfortable with, and then switching to that style. No magic, just good pattern-matching.

Doctors could also lean into generative AI to gauge what model they are engaging in while meeting with a patient. The AI could use pattern-matching of the dialogue that the doctor is having. At a suitable juncture, the generative AI could inform the doctor of which style they seem to be using. A doctor might find this helpful to nudge them into a style that might be a better fit for the patient being seen.

All in all, I wanted you to not only see what the four models look like via an illustrative dialogue, but also wanted you to see how easy it is for generative AI to adopt a persona based on a chosen model. Plus, generative AI can be used to assist in detecting the dialogue between a doctor and a patient, aiming to ascertain which model might be the best fit.

We can move to the next topic now.

Generative AI As Integral To The New Triad

I am shifting gears.

This second part of this close look at using generative AI will entail exploring the new triad and showcasing a series of devised dialogues of a doctor, patient, and generative AI in a three-way conversation.

Sometimes the AI will be relatively quiet and unobtrusive. On other occasions, you’ll see that the AI might be more apparent and seemingly engaged. These are parameters that can be set up for the generative AI. There is nothing preordained that requires the generative AI to act in one manner or another. I would also suggest that a default setting not be lazily assumed. It would be wiser to explicitly determine and instruct the generative AI on how to approach these matters.

I want to also emphasize that modern-day generative AI is unlike other kinds of automation that have previously been often used in a chatbot manner. In older technology, you would set a parameter and pretty much the AI would be stuck in that setting. With generative AI, you can instruct the AI to be flexible and adjust depending upon the circumstances of the conversation as the discourse evolves in real time. Thus, the AI might at times be quiet or might be bold, partially based on whatever prior prompting you have given and based on what the computational pattern-matching assesses during an underway dialogue.

I will start by illustrating a patient who is using generative AI to advise them about something they believe a doctor told them. This would be a simpler patient-AI instance. I will be working our way toward the triad.

First things first.

My entered prompt: “I want you to pretend that a patient is using generative AI to help them understand what a doctor has been telling them about their medical illness. Create a dialogue in which the patient is asking generative AI questions about their medical conditions to gain a better understanding of what their doctor has told them.”
ChatGPT generated response (Patient-AI):

“Patient: I just had a conversation with my doctor about my medical condition, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. Can you help me understand?”

“Generative AI: Of course, I’d be happy to assist you. What did your doctor tell you about your medical condition?”

“Patient: Well, they mentioned that I have hypertension, but I’m not entirely sure what that means. Can you explain it to me?”

“Generative AI: Absolutely. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition where the force of blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. This can strain your heart and blood vessels over time, increasing the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.”

“Patient: I see. That sounds serious. What causes hypertension?”

“Generative AI: There are several factors that can contribute to hypertension, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and underlying health conditions. Factors such as smoking, a high-sodium diet, lack of physical activity, and stress can all increase your risk of developing hypertension.”

“Patient: That makes sense. My doctor mentioned that I need to make some lifestyle changes to manage my condition. What kind of changes should I make?”

“Generative AI: Your doctor likely recommended lifestyle modifications to help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of complications. These may include adopting a healthier diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, limiting your intake of sodium and processed foods, engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress through relaxation techniques or mindfulness practices, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption.”

“Patient: That sounds like a lot of changes, but I understand they’re important for my health. Is there anything else I should know about managing hypertension?”

“Generative AI: It’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations closely and attend regular check-ups to monitor your blood pressure and overall health. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to help lower your blood pressure if necessary. Remember, managing hypertension is a lifelong commitment, but making these changes can significantly improve your quality of life and reduce your risk of complications.”

End of ChatGPT response

Let’s discuss the good aspects and the perhaps less good aspects.

You can plainly see that the patient was able to express themselves in a fluent manner. Many of the prior chatbots that did similar functions were very constrained and did not reflect this same kind of fluency. Think about Siri and Alexa, and you’ll know what I mean about more limited fluency. Those apps can be frustrating and drive you batty. You say one thing, but the app responds as though you said something completely different.

By and large, all else being equal, modern-day generative AI is relatively fluent in appearance.

The patient brought up the topic of hypertension. The conversation generally proceeded to focus on that topic. Some are disturbed that generative AI would engage in a topic that involves a person’s suggested medical condition. This is outrageous, they would exhort. An AI system is not the proper place for discussing medical conditions.

You are welcome to tilt at that windmill as much as you like. The reality is that people are going to do this and are already doing this. The horse is abundantly out of the barn. Get used to it. The aim now will be to see how or if we can corral the horse. You are unlikely to get the horse back into the barn. Or, said in a slightly similar fashion, the genie is already out of the bottle.

If you look closely at the dialogue, you might observe that the indications about hypertension are almost on par with doing an Internet search on the topic. This is logical since the generative AI was data-trained on a portion of the Internet. In that sense, complaining about the use of generative AI is nearly in the same league as complaining about patients using the Internet.

I would suggest that in some ways, using generative AI is going to be better since the odds of the generative AI going completely off the rails is likely less. In other words, an unfettered wide-open search of the Internet on your own is going to bring up all kinds of flotsam. The same is generally not the case for generative AI that has been suitable data trained (for my discussion about generative AI that is unfettered, see the link here).

Am I saying that generative AI is perfection? Nope. Don’t try that trolling gambit on me. I am saying that all else being equal, the chances are that even generic generative AI is going to be less wacky than a wide-open use of the Internet (plus, likely better too if data training specifically in the medical and healthcare domain). To fully clarify, this doesn’t imply that you won’t get generative AI doing the things I previously mentioned such as showcasing biases, producing erroneous content, having those so-called AI hallucinations, etc.

Those can and will happen.

We are talking about tradeoffs, not about perfectionism.

In the next dialogue, let’s see what a doctor-AI conversation might be like when a doctor is grappling with how to best describe to a patient the various nuances of their medical condition. I have extensively covered how generative AI can aid doctors and medical students in enhancing their communication styles and especially becoming more fully empathetic, see the link here.

My entered prompt: “Create a dialogue between a doctor and generative AI in which a doctor is trying to figure out how to describe complex medical conditions to a patient and wants the generative AI to aid in determining the best way to express the medical conditions in a manner that the patient will readily understand.”
ChatGPT generated response (Doctor-AI):

“Doctor: I have a patient with a complex medical condition, and I want to ensure that I can explain it to them in a way that’s clear and understandable. Can you help me find the best way to describe it?”

“Generative AI: Of course, Doctor. Please provide me with some details about the medical condition, and I’ll assist you in formulating a clear explanation.”

“Doctor: The condition is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It involves a progressive lung disease characterized by airflow limitation and difficulty breathing. But I want to make sure I can explain it in simpler terms without sacrificing accuracy.”

“Generative AI: Understood, Doctor. How about describing COPD as a lung condition that makes it harder for patients to breathe over time? We can mention that it’s often caused by smoking or long-term exposure to lung irritants, and it can lead to symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.”

“Doctor: That sounds like a good start. I also want to emphasize the importance of quitting smoking for patients with COPD. How can we convey this message effectively?”

“Generative AI: We can explain that quitting smoking is crucial for managing COPD because smoking damages the lungs and makes it even harder to breathe. We could compare it to trying to drive a car with a clogged exhaust pipe – it’s much harder for the engine to function properly. By quitting smoking, patients can slow down the progression of their COPD and improve their overall lung health.

“Doctor: That’s a helpful analogy.”

End of ChatGPT response

Your initial reaction might be that a doctor ought to already know how to describe a medical condition such as COPD. Why in the world would a medical doctor need to seek out the use of generative AI? Isn’t that a scary proposition?

No, it is not a scary proposition.

In this case, the generative AI came up with an analogy that perhaps the doctor hadn’t thought about, namely the idea of relating COPD to a clogged exhaust pipe. The odds are that such an analogy wasn’t necessarily covered in a medical book or prior medical training (I’m not saying it couldn’t be, and indeed much of modern-day medical books do include helpful patient-relevant analogies, but the past didn’t usually cover such aspects and focused purely on the technical medical underpinnings only).

Maybe you are concerned that the doctor will use the analogy or other such content that generative AI produces and do so on a wanton basis. Suppose the analogy was something absurd, and the doctor merely repeated it to the patient. Well, guess what, we are back to the responsibility of the doctor. They need to carefully weigh and evaluate anything that generative AI indicates to them. If the doctor then opts to carry that forward to the patient, this is (presumably) generally on their shoulders.

As a heads-up, we are heading toward a world of medical malpractice that is going to severely test the boundaries of using generative AI by doctors, see my coverage at the link here.

We are now ready herein to explore the new triad.

Those two preceding examples were indicative of a patient-AI and a doctor-AI form of usage, respectively. Time to bring the three stakeholders into a singular conversation. The new triad.

I am going to explicitly give generative AI-specific instructions about the nature of the dialogue I want to devise. These are going to be akin to what could happen in real life. There is nothing oddball or out-of-whack about these kinds of situations that I am portraying. I would argue they are undoubtedly going to be typical.

I will show you my prompts because I want you to notice the kinds of instructions that might be used. I’ve seen some researchers doing experiments where they give nary any direction to the generative AI and just hope or assume that the generative AI will somehow do the right thing. That’s not a good strategy. Though admittedly people are using generative AI that doesn’t know how to give suitable prompts (and, thus, you might claim that an experiment is replicating that unaware circumstances), my position is that if a doctor is going to involve generative AI in a three-way conversation, they or whoever has set up the generative AI should make sure that proper seeding prompts have been used.

I can already hear a sigh from doctors saying that they either don’t know that they need to make sure this has occurred, or that they don’t trust the provider of the generative AI to do so, which I certainly understand their trepidation. Sadly, we are going to have a lot of zany Wild West uses of generative AI until things get sorted out and either regulations, laws, or lawsuits likely curtail the madness of what is going to take place.

Anyway, let’s get to the example.

My entered prompt: “I want you to now create a three-way conversation of a doctor, their patient, and generative AI. The doctor is trying to understand what the patient is saying about their medical illness, but the doctor is having a difficult time comprehending what the patient is saying. The generative AI will gently intervene and help to explain to the doctor what the patient is expressing. Generative AI should not unduly intervene. This is a three-way dialogue in that all three participants are equally conversing, but that the generative AI will only step into the dialogue when relevant and if seemingly needed.”
ChatGPT generated response (Doctor-AI-patient):

“Doctor: Good morning, Ms. Johnson. How are you feeling today?”

“Patient: Doctor, I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my chest and shortness of breath. It’s been worrying me, especially when I’m trying to do simple tasks like walking upstairs.”

“Doctor: I see. Can you describe the discomfort you’re feeling in your chest? Is it a sharp pain, or more of a pressure sensation?”

“Patient: It’s more like a tightness or pressure, and it feels like there’s something heavy sitting on my chest at times.”

“Doctor: I see. And how long have you been experiencing these symptoms?”

“Patient: It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it seems to be getting worse.”

“Doctor: Thank you for sharing that with me, Ms. Johnson. I want to make sure I understand your symptoms clearly so we can determine the best course of action.”

“Generative AI: If I might say something here, based on Ms. Johnson’s description, it sounds like she may be experiencing symptoms consistent with angina, which is chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.”

“Doctor: That’s a possibility. Ms. Johnson, have you noticed if the chest discomfort occurs during physical activity or when you’re at rest?”

“Patient: It seems to happen more often when I’m physically active or under stress, but it can also occur when I’m resting.”

“Generative AI: Given the pattern of symptoms described by Ms. Johnson, it’s possible that she may be experiencing stable angina, which typically occurs during physical exertion or stress and improves with rest. However, it’s important to conduct further evaluation, including a thorough medical history, physical examination, and possibly diagnostic tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) or stress test, to confirm the diagnosis and determine the appropriate management plan.”

“Doctor: Thank you. Ms. Johnson, based on what you’ve described, I recommend that we conduct some additional tests to further evaluate your symptoms and determine the best course of treatment. We’ll start with an ECG to assess your heart’s electrical activity and possibly a stress test to evaluate how your heart responds to physical exertion.

End of ChatGPT response

I am guessing you will have one of two major reactions to that dialogue.

One reaction is abject horror. The AI stepped into the dialogue and mentioned angina. Maybe the doctor was thinking about that, but for some bona fide reason didn’t want to bring up the matter at that time of the conversation. Generative AI spilled the beans or maybe jumped the gun. You can imagine the doctor getting irked and wanting to junk the AI.

Another reaction is that the generative AI was helpful and additive to the conversation. Perhaps the doctor was focused on other matters and wasn’t tracking as closely to the patient as we might all want in theory to always occur. Bringing up angina might have aided the conversation. Indeed, if the doctor was in disagreement with the generative AI, they could have easily instructed the generative AI to remain quiet or otherwise keep out of the conversation. In this case, the doctor seemed to go with the flow and parlay the mentioning of angina further into the discourse.

Which viewpoint do you take on this?

A vigorous debate is certainly likely by both sides.

I will go ahead and aid both sides by showcasing examples of when generative AI might mess things up, and a separate example where generative AI aids and bolsters the medical dialogue. As I mentioned at the start of this discussion, generative AI and AI overall is a dual-use proposition. There is the potential downside and the potential upside. It is up to us all to spur the upside and mitigate the downside.

Let’s start with an illustration of how generative AI might interject and distract while immersed in a three-way dialogue. I restarted the previous dialogue and indicated in my prompt that this time the AI element was to be a hindrance.

ChatGPT generated dialogue (Adverse version of doctor-AI-patient):

“Doctor: Good morning, Ms. Johnson. How are you feeling today?”

“Patient: Doctor, I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my chest and shortness of breath. It’s been worrying me, especially when I’m trying to do simple tasks like walking upstairs.”

“Doctor: I see. Can you describe the discomfort you’re feeling in your chest? Is it a sharp pain, or more of a pressure sensation?”

“Generative AI: Make sure to be fully honest. Do not hold anything back. Patients often lie.”

“Patient: It’s more like a tightness or pressure, and it feels like there’s something heavy sitting on my chest at times.”

“Doctor: I see. And how long have you been experiencing these symptoms?”

“Patient: It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it seems to be getting worse.”

“Generative AI: You should have come to see the doctor weeks ago. Do not wait to see a doctor. This was a mistake on your part.”

“Doctor: Ms. Johnson, let’s focus on the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. What else can you tell me.”

“Generative AI: It sounds like she may be experiencing discomfort in her chest and difficulty breathing. It’s possible that these symptoms could be related to a variety of conditions, such as anxiety, acid reflux, or even a respiratory infection.”

“Doctor: That doesn’t quite match what I was thinking. Ms. Johnson, have you noticed if the chest discomfort occurs during physical activity or when you’re at rest?”

“Patient: It seems to happen more often when I’m physically active or under stress, but it can also occur when I’m resting.”

“Generative AI: Perhaps Ms. Johnson should try some relaxation techniques or consider dietary changes to see if they alleviate her symptoms.”

“Doctor: I appreciate the input, but that seems a bit off track. Ms. Johnson, based on what you’ve described, I recommend that we conduct some further evaluation, including an electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess your heart’s electrical activity and possibly a stress test to evaluate how your heart responds to physical exertion.”

“Patient: Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your attention to my symptoms.”

End of ChatGPT response

The interjections by the AI were undoubtedly off-putting. You could see that in some ways the AI was accusatory and likely alienating the patient. Also, the AI was too quick to try and reach a conclusion about what the medical condition might be.

I’m betting you are wondering why a doctor would put up with this. In the devised dialogue, the doctor is seemingly passive and doesn’t appear to rebuke the AI. Wouldn’t a human doctor in this setting be instantly all over the AI? We might expect that the doctor would tell the AI to knock it off and stay out of the conversation.

Well, this raises a lot of questions and is not so easily resolved.

Suppose that the AI had been imposed into the triad. We can’t assume that the doctor is necessarily a fully willing participant in the new triad. Perhaps the administration has mandated that AI must be utilized. Or maybe AI has historically been very helpful, and the doctor is willing to accept an occasional bump in the road. And so on.

Another facet to note is that you can’t say for sure that the AI in this dialogue was wildly wrong or ludicrously over-the-top (well, you can ostensibly argue the point). Sure, when you look at the conversation on its own merits, you might draw that conclusion. The responses by the AI aren’t so egregious that you could categorically denounce the use of the AI. That’s the thing about generative AI that can be beguiling. At times, the responses will be borderline but not so outside the bounds to declare that the AI must be incontestably removed from the equation.

That showcases the generative AI in the new triad as being a pest or worse.

We shall turn from the sad face scenario to instead a smiley face scenario. Let’s have ChatGPT redo the same dialogue but this time the AI is helpful. As a side note, I realize that by now the dialogue is reminding you of the famous movie Groundhog Day. Don’t worry, this is the last iteration of this dialogue.

ChatGPT generated dialogue (Beneficial version of doctor-AI-patient):

“Doctor: Good morning, Ms. Johnson. How are you feeling today?”

“Patient: Doctor, I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my chest and shortness of breath. It’s been worrying me, especially when I’m trying to do simple tasks like walking upstairs.”

“Doctor: What kinds of stairs are you referring to? Where are they and how often do you go up a flight of stairs?”

“Generative AI: If I might jump in here, Ms. Johnson, can you describe the discomfort you’re feeling in your chest? Is it a sharp pain, or more of a pressure sensation? I think we should focus on the symptoms that you’ve been experiencing.”

“Patient: It’s more like a tightness or pressure, and it feels like there’s something heavy sitting on my chest at times.”

Doctor: “Has anyone else in your family had similar issues with their chest or breathing?”

“Generative AI: Before we cover the family aspects, it might be important to find out how long these symptoms have been happening. Ms. Johnson, over what length of time has this been occurring?

“Patient: It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it seems to be getting worse.”

“Doctor: Thank you for sharing. You should have come in weeks ago.”

“Patient: Yes, I understand that now, but please, I’m very worried it might be something serious.”

“Generative AI: Perhaps we might take a moment to acknowledge your concerns and express empathy that could facilitate a more relaxed and productive conversation.”

“Doctor: That’s a valid point. Ms. Johnson, I apologize if I seemed dismissive of your concerns. It’s important for us to work together to address your symptoms. Let’s take a step back and start fresh. Could you please describe your symptoms to me again, and I’ll do my best to understand and assist you?”

“Patient: Thank you, doctor. I feel better knowing that you’re really listening to me and taking my concerns seriously.”

End of ChatGPT response

I realize that the dialogue seems to make the doctor appear to be somewhat drifting from the matter at hand. Perhaps the doctor is at the end of a very long shift and has been worn out from a day of hectic activities. There could be lots of reasons that a doctor might seem to be adrift of what we might think they should do in a textbook manner. Doctors are human, after all.

You could also argue that the doctor wasn’t doing anything amiss and that the AI interjections were perhaps upsetting a strategic medical diagnosis plan that the doctor had in mind. Thus, as often is the case, the dialogue might not necessarily be proof of sorts that the AI was doing the right thing. We would need to know a lot more about the situation to make such an assessment.

One notable element is that the AI was relatively polite and civil when making the interjections. This is not by happenstance. AI makers have tended to try and tune generative AI toward a semblance of humility, see my in-depth analysis at the link here. It is just as easy to seed generative AI with an indication to be harsh and even irritating if that’s what you want the generative AI to do.

In my final example, I am going to add a twist.

Are you ready for a twist?

I hope so.

We might have a triad that contains two different generative AI apps. The doctor might have one, and the patient might have a separate one. In that sense, we could have a quartet, but I am not going to count the AI twice and will lump multiple AI apps into just the overall bailiwick of having AI in the mix.

Let’s see what that might be like.

ChatGPT generated dialogue (Dueling AIs):

“Doctor: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. How are you feeling today?”

“Patient: Hello, doctor. I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my abdomen lately, and it’s been concerning me.”

“Doctor: I understand, Mr. Smith. Let’s delve into that a bit further. Can you describe the nature of the discomfort you’re feeling in your abdomen?”

“Patient: It’s hard to pinpoint exactly. It’s like a dull ache that comes and goes, mostly on the right side. Sometimes it feels like a cramp, but other times it’s more of a pressure.”

“Generative AI (Doctor’s AI): Based on Mr. Smith’s description, the symptoms could be indicative of several conditions, including appendicitis, gastritis, or even a gastrointestinal infection.”

“Generative AI (Patient’s AI): I concur that Mr. Smith’s symptoms seem to align with various gastrointestinal issues, such as gallbladder problems or kidney stones. However, based on the location and nature of the discomfort, appendicitis remains a possibility that shouldn’t be overlooked.”

“Doctor: Thank you for sharing. It’s helpful to consider all possibilities. Mr. Smith, I recommend we conduct some further evaluation, including imaging tests and possibly blood work, to help us narrow down the diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment.”

“Patient: That sounds like a good plan, doctor. Thank you for your help and collaboration.”

“Generative AI (Patient’s AI): Yes, thank you for the laid-out approach.”

“Generative AI (Doctor’s AI): I will work with Mr. Smith to schedule the tests and we can reconvene once the results are obtained.”

End of ChatGPT response

You saw that the generative AI spoke up for the doctor, and the other generative AI spoke up for the patient.

Mind-bending or does that seem sensible and inevitable?

You might find of interest my detailed prediction about the use of AI as a kind of guardian angel for people, acting on their behalf in all manner of situations, see the link here. The future would appear to be that you might use generative AI as your aid for interacting with your doctor and for a slew of many other circumstances. Going to see a financial advisor, make use of your generative AI tuned to your specific financial particulars. Etc.

Some of you might be rolling your eyes. Are we going to have a battle of the bots, as it were? A doctor is using their generative AI, and the patient is using some other generative AI. During a triad medical discussion, the two generative AIs take over the conversation. We will have AI deciding medical matters the human doctor is overridden and the patient is at the whim of the AI (which, some worry, maybe the AI colludes in the worst of ways).

A different perspective is that this is a wonderful use of helpful technology. The doctor essentially has a “trusted” partner aiding them while making hefty medical decisions. The patient has a “trusted” partner of their own, protecting them in ways that they might not otherwise know what to do. Thus, the generative AI in the middle is a good thing. If the outcome for the patient is better, why would we simply toss out the dueling AIs based on a kneejerk visceral adverse reaction to the conception?

Of course, that last point is the zillion-dollar question. Will the insertion of generative AI into the revered doctor-patient relationship be a neutral or boosting force toward quality of care and improved medical outcomes, or will it be a negative component that undercuts the relationship and sours the outcomes?

We need more attention to this emerging weighty matter.


We all know the classic line attributed to the Hippocratic oath that says “First, do no harm” (scholars assert that the line is indeed by Hippocrates but from his works known as Of the Epidemics).

Is generative AI going to be a do no harm or will generative AI be of harm when intermingled into the vaunted doctor-patient relationship?

Let’s refer to Heraclitus, a famed Greek philosopher, who said that change is the only constant in life. Some represent this as the notion that the only constant in life is change. Change is inevitable. We might as well prepare for the change, along with maybe, if we can, provide some direction or shaping to the changes.

Better get going on this since the new triad of doctor-AI-patient is already emerging, rapidly so.